Hope Co-op
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about us


Hope Co-op started as a group of people who met at bars and coffee shops to talk about what it would look like to do Christianity differently. Unhappy with the limited options Christians have for developing and expressing their faith, we dreamed of how great it would be if church didn’t look or feel like “church.” We asked ourselves what it would look like for Christians to gather, worship, and serve in ways that were more authentic, candid, messy, and well, more fun ...and then, we decided to do it.

We launched Thirsty Thursday as a new approach to exploring our faith through the Bible. Gathering in a lobby outside of WoodGrain Brewing Co. means that adults can choose to enjoy adult beverages, but there is no expectation to partake, and also minors are welcomed to participate. We started at the very beginning of the Bible (because why not, right?) and we just read a little and then talked about it. We have followed the same pattern ever since. We read a little and then we talk about it. We ask people to read it as though they have never read the Bible before (many haven't!), and we welcome all questions and even different viewpoints. We

challenge each other and we grow in our faith together as we make sense of how God has been and continues to be involved in the world around us (including our own lives!).

A community grew around Thirsty Thursdays with people from all walks of life (some have never been to church, some grew up in the church and fell away, and still others were previously burned by the church and vowed never to return). This community is Hope Co-op. As a co-op, we are united in our common effort and goal -- to bring hope to the people of Sioux Falls. We are doing Christianity differently because we want all people to know that there is hope for those who have given up on the Church; hope for those who feel spiritually lost; hope for people who know nothing about God; hope because of the radical love God showed us through Jesus.

We are Hope Co-op. You are Hope Co-op. Join us for Thirsty Thursdays, participate in Clean Start and our other service projects, and come to The Table to share a free meal with others like you seeking to navigate faith and life. See you soon!


upcoming events